85 countries have banned leg hold traps, and 9 states in our nation have either banned or restricted their use. The American Veterinary Medical Association, the American Animal Hospital Association, the National Animal Control Association, and the World Veterinary Organization all have declared leg hold traps "inhumane." VVSA is working to join the rest of the civilized world in putting an end to the use of leg hold traps and banning the use of dogs to hunt bear.
In Windsor, Vermont, Town Manager Tom Marsh allowed traps to be set to kill a family of beavers who had built a hut upstream from Paradise Park. This photo is of a young raccoon that was caught in a trap next to another trap that had caught its parent. In an attempt to escape, this baby chewed its own leg off.
One can only imagine the terror, excruciating pain, and helpless confusion that these two innocent creatures experienced before finally succumbing to a painful death. We have put this photo bumper sticker to raise awareness about the horrors of trapping. If you'd like a bumper sticker, please send a self addressed stamped envelope to: VVSA PO Box 100 Bridgewater, VT 05034 |